速報APP / 財經 / Ethereum Trading for Beginners

Ethereum Trading for Beginners


檔案大小:14.3 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Ethereum Trading for Beginners(圖1)-速報App

- #1 learning app about Ethereum trading for beginners!

- effective trading strategies included!

- contains theories, practical examples, an interactive quiz and multiple case studies!

Are you curious about cryptocurrencies, especially about Ethereum? Have you considered trading with Ethereum? Good news! This app will help you to learn the basic concept on Ethereum trading in less than 60 minutes! Ethereum is the latest blockchain technology, taking the world by storm. It is similar to the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but it uses the blockchain platform for more than just currency. The Ethereum currency is Ether. And like Bitcoin, Ethereum is getting more and more valuable!

“Trading with Ethereum” is the first app that will give you a free introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Ethereum and provides you with knowledge on how to invest in Ethereum/Ether using so-called “CFD trading”. You do not need an Ethereum wallet!

What you will find:

High quality course

Master the secrets of effective Ethereum trading with our 8 steps to success! Our chapters are filled with theory, practice and realistic figures and illustrations to teach you the most important concepts. Well-suited for newbies and also those, who want to improve or refresh their knowledge!

Ethereum Trading for Beginners(圖2)-速報App

Interactive Quiz

Want to test yourself and what you have just learned in our course? Do this with our interactive quiz! Each time you answer a question correctly, you will be rewarded with virtual $ - it’s a fun way to learn!

Real-life case studies

Are you ready to make important decisions? Knowing the theory is only one part of being a successful trader – you have to be able to put that knowledge into practice! Use our realistic case studies to find out how you would react. Each case study is different in order for you to experience a variety of situations which demand strong decision-making! For each correct answer, you will get rewarded virtual $.

What you can expect to find in this app:

• An easy to understand introduction and overview about cryptocurrencies, especially Ethereum

• An introduction to CFD trading

• Colourful, clear and easy-to-follow instructions and examples

Ethereum Trading for Beginners(圖3)-速報App

• Learn how to profit from rising AND falling prices

• Several strategies on how to invest

• How to trade without an Ethereum wallet

• a Quiz to test what you lust learned

• Relatable case studies

• Free Demo account

• … and much more!

The price of Ethereum has grown at incredible rates in the last weeks and months. Many people are interested in how to get a slice of the cryptocurrency-cake and with this app you will learn how to do just that!

Ethereum Trading for Beginners(圖4)-速報App

If you want to find out more about Ether, Ethereum (and CFD trading) without needing a cryptocurrency wallet, then “Ethereum Trading for Beginners” is for you!

Ethereum Trading for Beginners(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad